Red River Gorge 5.13 Trip Prep
Power Company Climbing
RED RIVER GORGE 5.13 is a 7 week training plan designed to help climbers train the specific skills needed to climb routes in the 5.13 grade range at the Red River Gorge.
FOR: Climbers looking to break into or solidify their performance in the 5.13 grade range, specifically at the Red River Gorge.
EQUIPMENT: You’ll need access to climbing (boulders and routes suggested), a hangboard, and the ability to add weight to your hangs.
DURATION: 7 weeks
FREQUENCY: 2-4 sessions a week, 1-3 hour sessions
STRUCTURE: The plan consists of 7 weeks of workouts, both climbing and supplemental, progressing in intensity and focused on building strength, power, and power endurance.
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